Xibiehe Fm
Type Locality and Naming
It was named by Li Shouqi, Zhao Zeguo et al in 1960 and published in North China Atlas of Paleontology, Inner Mongolia Fascicle (1) (1976). The type and representative section are located along the banks in the lower reaches of Borhantuxibie River, 20 km north of the Bayan Obo Sum (Temple; Township) seat in Darhan Muminggan United Banner, the Inner Mongol Zizhiqu (Su Yangzheng et al, 1983). The reference section is at 2 km south of Gaxun Sum, 6 km southwest of the representative section.
Synonym: (西别河组)
Lithology and Thickness
The lithology of the formation can be subdivided into three members. Lower member consists of variedly gray, grayish yellow grit with limestone partings, marl and of conglomerate at the base. Middle member is characterized by varicolored strata, with coarse-grained clastic rock and medium-to-thin-bedded limestone at the lower part, with yellowish pink to purplish red thick-bedded limestone at the middle part and with finer-grained clastic rock and heavily argillaceous limestone at the upper part. Upper member is composed of light-colored quartzose sandstone, medium-bedded limestone and argillaceous limestone, possibly also with reef limestone at the top.
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
The formation widely rests disconformable on the Ordovician volcanic rock series and Caledonian intrusive rock. Regionally, the next older unit is the Xuniwusu Fm of middle Silurian.
Upper contact
The upper boundary yet remains to be clarified. Regionally, the next younger units are Carboniferous (e.g. Gouhudug Fm, Shetai Fm).
Regional extent
It is extensively exposed in Damao Banner, Siziwang Banner (Naqing Fm), Sonid Right Banner, along the northern margin of North China platform. The lithology of the formation varies considerably; it is dominated by purplish red or grayish green clastic rock intercalated with limestone in most areas, but in individual areas the limestone is dominate, e.g. in the area of Bat Obo. The thickness of the formation ranges from 250 to 516 m.
The formation yields rich fossils, such as: conodonts Panderodus, Icriodus angustoides; brachiopods Protathyrisina gashaomiaoensis, Atrypoidea foxi, Linguopugnoides varians, Pinguaella enticlivatus, Conchidium, Spirigerina subquadrata, Cyrtia neimongolensis, Tenellodermis cf. matrix, Howellella koneprusensis, Spirinella; anthozoa Altajia, Diplophyllum caespitosum, Weissermelia lindstromi, Streptelasma, Mucophyllum cf. infundibula, Zelophyllum, Chlamydophyllum, Syringopora gorski, Parastriatopora crassa, Mesofavosites khalfini, Heliolites favotabulatus, Thamnopora, Romingerella elegantula, Favosites yakowlewi, Stelliporella; trilobite Encrinurus nebulosus; as well as stomatopod, orthoceras, gastropod and bivalve, etc.
Depositional setting
Additional Information
The Xibiehe Formation was revised by Su et al.(1983) to include the former Bateaobao Fm, Xibiehe Fm, Chaganhebu Fm and Alugong Fm, and the age of the formation was assigned to Pridoli. The authors accepted this idea although the former Alugong Fm was considered as Early Devonian in age by Tchi Y. Y.(1983).